Tap into the thriving $4 Billion per year Christian products industry with the #1 brand of inspirational T-shirts, jewelry, accessories, gifts, and more!
Tap into the thriving $4 Billion per year Christian products industry with the #1 brand of inspirational T-shirts, jewelry, accessories, gifts, and more!
"I have tried T-shirts with other companies over the years, but I haven’t had success with them until I tried Kerusso T-shirts. Your displays have really made a difference. Now the shirt business has become a substantial part of my business. I look at the results of my sales to determine what I do, and I now have 3 Kerusso T-shirt displays." -Tony Hooyer, Vine and Branches
“Since I opened my store with one Light House Apparel Center, I have seen such great sales that I have added 5 more Light House displays. I now carry every Kerusso shirt available!”- Johnny Walker, Jewelry Island
“The LAC 10 Display is the PERFECT match for small stores with limited space. It provides a great way to display shirts BEAUTIFULLY & AFFORDABLY. With a quick glance at my LAC, I know what shirts I’m running low on and need to reorder - it’s so easy to keep track of the inventory! Pricing is unbeatable, & I can put ANY Kerusso product on the sides of my LAC10 and see it sell!” - Kathleen Nieratkoo, Beacon Books
"Kerusso is one of my top gift lines - second only to Coca-Cola!" - Mike Forrest, Sav More Drug Stores
"One of the best products we have had in the Gift Shop. We average sales of 150 shirts per month. Large portion of the sales are repeat customers." - Jill Lillie, Trinity Health
"Oh my gosh, we LOVE the Cherished Girl line! When we received them at our store and started unpacking them, we were freaking out - jumping and grabbing the tees! We have decided we need to order more of every style. They are SOOO cute! Kerusso, keep up the good work! If you could get my order shipped to me ASAP I would like REALLY appreciate it!"- Melinda Catching, Covered by Grace, LLC.
CALL TODAY 800.424.0943
* Net terms available for qualified customers with approved credit, and special Net Term offers require the stated minimum purchase. Free freight offers are valid for standard ground shipping to locations within the contiguous U.S.; require a minimum purchase of $300 unless otherwise stated in an offer; and exclude displays except where noted. Standard international shipping rates apply. Orders typically ship within three business days. Apparel size upcharges apply. Licensed, promotionally-priced, seasonal, and long-sleeve items are not guaranteed and are non-exchangeable. Images used in advertisement may not always represent current inventory and availability. Other terms and conditions apply.